Title: Poetic Confessions: Confessions of a Poet
Author: Arlita Moore Joyner
Publisher: AuthorHouse ISBN: 9781420835113
Pages: 136
Genre: Fiction/poetry
Reviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert


Pacific Book Review

Presenting a revealing collection of raw, and insightful, poetic intimations, author Arlita Moore Joyner’s Poetic Confessions: Confessions of a Poet connects the experiences of life with a culmination of drama propelled short stories, vignettes and expressive poetic stanzas which bare the deepest imaginative reaches of her heart, mind, and soul.

Initially, the book starts with several diary-like interludes, within which author Joyner introduces her raw and unadulterated storytelling style exploring many life borne experiences, with some adult-rated in nature, particularly delving into being a black female, single womanhood, single motherhood as well as single sexuality.

As the work progresses, the narrative alternates between poetic works and vignettes, each extending an expression of the author’s dynamic view of life. Throughout the work, scenes like Working Under the Table, as well as other interludes with throughout given no title just a date, such as October 24, 2000, integrally, capture the attention with grittiness, as she bares female vulnerability and insight with raw honesty. Emotionally any single mother would find a connection with the desire for a woman’s companion (as well as a father for her daughter) and the mistakes made during those encounters. Although there are many intensely emotional verses, one memorable work is the poem The Unforgiven Lie, which brings into focus the heartbreaking experience with a woman desperate to seek what interests a man who seems to have lost interest.

Additionally, author Joyner also traces the experiences of life lessons learned, including spiritual growth with learning unconditional love for self, as well as learning to be a type of mother who learns to put her child first. Moreover, this collection of expressively sentimental works concern more than just the rueful experiences and lovelorn emotions that touch the heart; there are also lyrical tributes to the familiar as well as the unfamiliar. Splattered with entries such as A Man Who I Know as Kid Rock, The Oklahoma City Bombing, So the Wheel Wouldn’t Turn, To All of You in San Diego, My Name is Charlie Leeann Ariola, as well as the touching dedication My Best Friend Nova.

Altogether, Poetic Confessions: Confessions of a Poet harbors a great deal of literary appeal and potential; however, there is a severe need for editing, including grammar spelling and structure, throughout the narrative, especially within the very first story titled The Strike Near End and The Heart Attack Began which for all intents and purposes, would turn many off from this read, which inherently has great potential. Contentions aside, I would gladly recommend this work, once the issues are corrected.